​Centre Flavie Board of Directors

  • Rita Bourgeois (President)
  • Louise Legal-Perrin (Vice President)
  • Mariette Kirouac (Secretary)
  • Marc Foidart (Treasurer)
  • Yaya Doumbia
  • Thérèse Musafiri
  • Joannie Roy
  • Chad Vincent

Executive Director

  • Gilbert Vielfaure

Client Services & Logistics Manager

  • Théogène Buhelwa

Interim Transportation Supervisor

  • Réjean Boulet

Auctions Manager

  • Roger Lambert

Vintage Clothing Coordinator

  • Nilton Branco

Volunteer & Sorting Coordinator

  • (vacant)


  • Patrick Therrien Blanchette
  • Glen Kuban
  • Daniel Deng
  • William Titley
  • Pacome Kasigondo
  • Eugène Hébert


  • Yaye Gueye
  • Mohamed Lamine 
  • Austin Steingard


A great team of about 100 people

Centre Flavie is part of Réseau Compassion Network: